Fast CI for Monorepos
Unlock remote caching, distributed task execution, E2E test splitting and automated flakiness detection at no cost with our new Hobby plan.
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Monorepo World: October 7, 2024Monorepo World: October 7, 2024Join us!
Unlock remote caching, distributed task execution, E2E test splitting and automated flakiness detection at no cost with our new Hobby plan.
Try Hobby now
No credit card required.
Nx Cloud makes your CI significantly faster and cheaper, while also making it more maintainable and reliable.
Cost per month for CI compute. Data collected based on a typical month of CI runs measured on the Nx OSS monorepo.
We mean it, every feature Nx Cloud offers now available for free.
Main Workflow
nx affected --target=build,lint,test
Nx Agents
nx affected --targets=e2e
nx affected --targets=e2e,test
Feb 23, 2024 08:57:49 - 08:57:54 (4s)
nx run nx-dev:sitemap ✨ [next-sitemap] Loading next-sitemap config:file:///home/workflows/workspace/nx-dev/nx-dev/next-sitemap.config.js ❌ [next-sitemap] Unable to find export-maker. Make sure to build the project using "next build" command node:internal/process/promises:289 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ^ [Error:ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/workflows/workspace/dist/nx-dev/nx-dev/.next/export-marker.json'] errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'stat', path: '/home/workflows/workspace/dist/nx-dev/nx-dev/.next/export-marker.json' Node.js v20.9.0 Warning: command "pnpm next-sitemap --config ./nx-dev/nx-dev/next-sitemap.config.js" exited with non-zero status code
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Experience next generation CI tooling.
Our solution adapts to your needs, scale confidently from the initial stages to your growth spurts while saving on your infrastructure bill and better performances.
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See complete pricing information detail and resource classes on the pricing page at: